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The strength of Itosu-kai

Writer's picture: IKIFIKIF

Itosu-kai Australia

Soke Sakagami and members of Itosu-kai Austraila

Our style is strong because of our Soké, our dojo-kun, our focus on correct kihon and our guardianship of traditional kata. But something happened that made me realise another of our strengths - a global network of amazing people and dojos.

Itosu-kai, China

Recently a student from China joined my dojo, and travelled a long way each night to train. She told me she trained in China as a school student. She knew all the kata, very well and her stances and other basic kihon were excellent. I thought she learnt from another style and club. Then, she showed me her bag with our club badge - I was very surprised! Then she showed me her certificate yesterday (photo attached). This is from our Itosu-kai China club, with Fujita-sensei's seal! Truly we are a global organization.

There are plenty of other examples, such as a 2nd dan black belt who immigrated from Canada to Australia, Andre Diez de Aux. Because of our network, he is able to come to training and feel at home immediately. Even though our dojos are on opposite sides of the world, we train the same way. He is able to help me teach and share new thoughts on karate-do.

Chief Instructor of Itosu-kai Australia, Mr. Howard Leong

Another example is one of my best young students moved to China, and there she is able to train with Itosu-kai people because of our great network of clubs. Or one of my youngest black belt students, Kane Rowley, that had to leave to England, but every summer diligently trains at Yokohama Honbu Dojo, in Tsurumi when he is visiting his family in Japan.

In modern karate-do today, many styles of karate-do exist, probably more than ever before. One thing that very few of these styles can offer is the global network of dojo's full of like-minded people. For me, this is one of the true strengths of Japan Karate-do Itosu-kai and the Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation.

Howard Leong 4th dan

Head of Australia branch

Member of Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation





Team Itosu-kai Australia


こんな出来事もありました。カナダからオーストラリアに移住してきたAndre Diez De Auxさんは、カナダで稽古をし、2段を持っています。彼は、私たち糸洲会のネットワークのおかげで、すぐにオーストラリアの道場に参加することができました。驚くべきことに、私たちの道場は、彼の元居た場所の正反対の場所にあるにも関わらず、同じように稽古をすることができているのです。彼は、私に空手道の在り方について、新しい気付きを与えてくれた一人です。

また、オーストラリア支部の若くすばらしい生徒が、中国に移住しました。もちろん彼女はまた中国で糸洲会の空手道を習うことができるでしょう。一番若い有段者である Kane Rowleyさんは、イギリスに行きましたが、毎年夏になると日本の横浜にある総本部に練習に行っているそうです。


リオン.ハワード (梁永衛)




Team Australia at Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Championships

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