Itosu-kai Ireland (IKKI) competed at the O.N.A.K.A.I. National Junior Kumite Championships in October 2018. The event in Dublin proved very successful for the fighters from the WEST!
Rear L->R: Michael Duane, Gavin Daly, Niall Costello (Bronze), Claire Harte, Leo Mulvany, Cathal Duane (Silver), Tony Dolphin.
Front L->R: Sean Foley Armour (Silver & Bronze in open weight), Eoghan Duane (Bronze), Josh Judge (Gold), Niamh Costello (Bronze), Philip Costello, Laura Costello and Kevin Duane (Gold).
Well done to all for competing. Gavin was a score keeper, Niall & Tony were judges, Leo refereed and Claire ran the event). Great team effort.