Denmark hosted the 2019 event in the city of Aalborg and the Danish Itosu-ryu branch was heavily involved.
· Michael Andersen assistant kumite coach (coached a competitor to gold medal from the national team)
· Tejs Damkjær was responsible kata coach
· Rikke Linck and Frederikke Bjerring were assistant kata coaches
· Merete Katborg was head of organizing committee
· Henrik Katborg was judge in kumite and kata

Josephine Christiansen (Dragoer dojo) did a fantastic job in the kata female cadet division. She finished number 5 - barely missing the bronze medal.
Cecilie Scharff (Dragoer dojo) also performed great in the tough kata female U21 division. She succeeded to the second round and finished number 9.
Daniel Bruun (Kaizen dojo) had his debut in the kata male cadet division and achieved valuable experience.