The Seminar was held at Itosu-ryu Malaysia Headquarters
The training camp was held from March 15th till March 18th in Itosu-ryu Karatedo Malaysia Headquarters training center. This time, we invited Sensei Ayumu Oda from Japan.
During those four days, the seminar was divided into 3 sessions.
1. Bo training (Kobudo) for instructors
2. Yellow Belt (9kyu) to Brown Belt (1kyu) students
3. Black Belt Students: Kumite, Kata, Kobudo (Nunchaku)

Sensei Oda introduced Itosu-ryu Official Basic Kata 1 – 10 to everybody, and he also corrected Pinan kata and showed the applications to junior students. For advanced students, he introduced 4 nunchaku katas, and also taught kata: Jitte, Jiin, Jion, Kusanku-dai, Niiseishi, Wankan, Niipaipo, and Bassai-dai. Then he taught Kumite.
We had a great training session with Sensei Oda. He shared his experience and knowledge of his karate life with us. It's a great pleasure.
Instructors of Itosu-ryu karatedo Malaysia, junior students. black belt students and I would like to thank to Sensei Ayumu Oda very much for he spent his precious time. I also would like to thank to Soke Sakagami because he gave Mr. Oda a permission to conducts a seminar in Malaysia.
Sensei Arumugam Muthusamy
Chief Instructor
Itosu-ryu Karate-Do Malaysia