Soke Sakagami teaches the kata Unsh in Denmark

Soke Sakagami visited Denmark in May, 2019
After the seminar in Sweden, Soke Sakagami came to Denmark.
The visit was mainly to inspect the venue for the coming World Championships of Itosu Kai 2021.
The venue, the hotels and the sightseeing around the City of Kolding, was covered in two days.
Soke had a meeting with the Danish organizing group and went through all the topic around the event.
The official information will be posted soon.

Soke had limited time in Denmark and there was time for two evenings for Soke to teach.
For the first time Soke was teaching in the western part of Denmark at the coming host city Kolding in the dojo of Sensei Henrik Katborg, Kaizen karatedo club.
Next day Soke was teaching black belts in the honbu dojo in Copenhagen (capital of Denmark).
We covered shuto uke/kakete uke and then kata unshu.
These seminars were very well translated by the assistant instructor Ayumu Oda.
This is VERY high value for the oversea branches - because often a lot get lost in translation.
Thank you for the effort.
Anders Uhrenfeldt
Member of honbu dojo in Denmark