On going to Japan on this trip I decided, not having seen the cherry blossom time to make my trip during this period. In going to train I also wanted to visit some areas of Japan I had not seen before. So with my daughter Heather we planned visiting Furuoka, Osaka, Hokaido and Tokyo, training in Osaka and Tokyo.
It was great to see the people that have become friend over the many visits to Japan indeed this will have been my 16th visit. With Osaka second on our trip it was great to again train at the Katayama dojo and the Senshinkan dojo with the help from sensei Yashima, sensei Saiwaki, sensei Kato and sensei Nagano helping me through and understanding more deeply the Sauparinpei and Goshushiho katas.
On reaching the end of our journeys we finished in Tokyo and again I could get to go to the Honbo to see sensei Sakagami, sensei Oda and sensei Yokoyama. Having a training session on the Friday in Kobudo with sensei Oda and sensei Yokoyama to help me sort out some basic problems with the Bo, go through katas and then to be shown special hand movements of the Bo not on video anywhere was enlighten especially as they were from senaei Tiara Shinken written memoirs.
Sunday last day before going home more kobudo and karate at the Honboand to be given the chance to train in a black belt seminar going through Seipi, Matsumora Wanshu with bunkai was very special then working on 5 way elbow movements under the whatchful eyes of sensei Kusuhara and others.
The trip was memorable in many ways getting to visit the Kyushu area ,Chugoku Shikoku area , Kansai area, Hokkaido area and Kanto area getting to train at the honbo at kobudo and karate. I would like to thank sensei Sakagami and sensei Oda for arranging the classes for me.
Will be back next year for the Itosu kai International Tournament in Tokyo making that my 17th visit to Japan and it will be my 20th year training under sensei Sakagami, were did the time go.