Youtube Links
If you are interested in adding a video from your country on this page,
Please contact us. ikifjapan@gmail.com
Short Documentary
"The 60th Anniversary of Japan Karatedo Itosu-kai:
An Interview with Soke Sadaaki Sakagami"
2002 / TRT: 15min / 16:9 with Letter Box
The 1st Itosu-ryu Karatedo
Virtual International Tournament
Kata: Shiho-Kusanku
Demonstrated by Soke Sadaaki Sakagami
Kata: Bassai-Dai
Demonstrated by Shihan Fumikazu Ichikawa
Itosu-ryu 8th dan degree
JKF 8th dan dgree
Shiwari Demonstration
Demonstrated by Shihan Tadashi Noguchi
August 4th, 1996 / Urayasu Undo Koen Gymnasium
Demonstrated by Soke Sadaaki Sakagami
and Shihan Fumikazu Ichikawa
August 4th, 1996 / Urayasu Undo Koen Gymnasium
The Demonstration of Itosu-ryu Karatedo
(The 43rd Japan Kobudo Demonstration Festival)
February 2nd, 2020 at Tokyo Budo-kan, Japan
58th annual Winter Beach Training #1
(Running on a beach)
January 6th, 2019 at Enoshima Beach, Japan
58th annual Winter Beach Training #2
(Basic Practice)
January 6th, 2019 at Enoshima Beach, Japan
58th annual Winter Beach Training #3
January 6th, 2019 at Enoshima Beach, Japan
58th annual Winter Beach Training #4
(Getting into water)
January 6th, 2019 at Enoshima Beach, Japan
58th annual Winter Beach Training
(Long Version)
January 6th, 2019 at Enoshima Beach, Japan
Itosu-ryu Karatedo Basic Techniques
DVD is available now!
The 3rd Japan Kobudo Demonstrations
Demonstrated by Soke Sadaaki Sakagam
and Shihan Fumikazu Ichikawa
February 17, 1980 / at Nippon Budo-kan